
  • Too Late to Pray?

    Most Christians forget that there would be days in their lives when it will be too late to pray. Able never spoke, but suddenly found his voice after death. But,…

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  • To Be or Not To Be?

    To be or not to be? To be happy or sad, to be ebullient or doleful, to be passionate or moody? To be or not to be is the quest…

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  • Drink From Gods Well

    I learnt this the hard way; men, even the anointed can only be of help for a brief time. But this is never enough, and you may have to go…

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  • Quit Praying and Move

    Quit praying and move! Yes! I believe in prayer and the purpose of this is not to discourage prayer at all. The Bible enjoins us to pray always without ceasing.…

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  • Spiritual Blindness

    Anxiety is mostly the product of spiritual blindness. When a person is unable to see beyond this realm into the supernatural where things are controlled, they can become very anxious.…

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